Conan Exiles Wiki
See also: Vitality, Healing

T BuffIconRegeneration T1 Regeneration is a "heal over time" game mechanic in Conan Exiles. Rather than all health being added at once, a smaller amount of health is granted per tick until the effect wears off. If the Character takes damage before the effect expires, the regeneration stops.


Multiple Items that grant 'Regeneration' from the same source do not stack, instead refreshing the effect (potentially wasting possible health).

  • Certain Food Grants flat regeneration
  • The Fierce Vitality perk grants a small amount of constant regeneration.
  • The Lifeblood Spear starts healing when it is drawn. The Spear and Bandages cannot stack because the spear must be wielded to regenerate and the bandages require that it not be.
  • Potions heal a flat amount over time. (see table below for more details.)

Healing items[]

Below is a table with the flat healing amount of various consumable items.

Note that at 40 Vitality the Receptive perk is activated, contrary to the perk description (100% increased healing from consumables), the perk only grants +50% healing from consumables (rounded down, see table for healing values with perk).

All healing items listed below heal 4 times/second or every 0.25 seconds.

Item HP/tick HP/second Duration Total HP HP/tick

(40 vit)


(40 vit)

Total HP

(40 vit)

Icon healing wrapsRough Wraps 2 8 9.5 76 3 12 114
Icon healing wrapsHealing Wraps 3 12 9.5 114 4 16 152
Icon numbing wrapsNumbing Wraps 4 16 9.5 152 6 24 228
Icon healing wraps exceptionalStutter Wraps 7 28 4.75 133 10 40 190
Icon healing wraps exceptionalInfused Wraps 7 28 4.75 133 10 40 190
Icon aloe extract weakWeak Aloe Extract 6 16 5 80 N/A N/A N/A
Icon aloe extractAloe Extract 6 24 5 120 9 36 180
Icon healing potion advancedConcentrated Aloe Extract 8 32 5 160 12 48 240
Icon healing potion exceptionalPure Aloe Extract 10 40 5 200 15 60 300
Icon healing potion exceptionalInfused Aloe Extract 14 56 2.5 140 21 84 210
