Conan Exiles Wiki



Logs flamed in the wide fireplace, for there was a frosty edge to the air, and a great meat pasty in a stone platter stood smoking on a broad mahogany board.
~ The Hour of the Dragon

Designed to heat ore to incredibly high temperatures in order to extract pure metals, furnaces require fuels such as coal or wood and ores for processing and catalysts such as Steelfire for strengthening. Intense heat can also be used to harden certain types of stone and a furnace can be used in conjunction with other concoctions to create hardened stone bricks.


This Furnace smelts 25% faster than the Icon furnace Furnace and Icon improved furnace Improved Furnace.


Created from the following Recipes
Artisan's Worktable
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon shard of knowledge Fragment of Power
50 Icon ingredient hardenedBrick Hardened Brick
1 Icon CraftingStation Furnace Kiln Improved Furnace (Kiln) 30 s 600


Fuel Burn Time (in seconds)
1 Icon bark-1 Bark 20.0
1 Icon branch Branch 5.0
1 Icon coal Coal 35.0
1 Icon drywood Dry Wood 48.0
1 Icon oil Oil 48.0
1 Icon plant fiber-1 Plant Fiber 2.0
1 Icon wood-1 Wood 10.0


Repairing Improved Furnace (Kiln) requires up to:
