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Avatar for SirBowen

About the last changes at some foods. I know all food heals with food healing. (+) I know all drinks restore Stamina. I know all Meals heals with food healing and restore stamina because they are food & drinks. Than i know we got potions and some food with an additional Health Regeneration Buff (besides the food healing). (+)(+) But what is a double regeneration Effect ? That must be 3 (+)(+)(+) than, or did you mixed that up with the food healing effect ? And did we have to mention this under effects on every food and drink or is this effects row just for some specials like warming up, underwater breathing and so on ?

Avatar for Luc1213-gpuser

Sorry about that but when do you speak about a regeneraiton buff? Every food has its own healing value but some have a regen buff as an excample you have the aloe soup with a base heal of 40hp (2 hp/s for 20s) and the second regen buff is the "real regen" buff because it is dependent on the maximum HP. According to this opinion derketo feast has no regen buff.