Conan Exiles Wiki
Main article: Guide

About this document[]

This document is meant as a reference to the different structs in Conan Exiles. It will attempt to describe the function of a struct in general as well as present as much pertient information about each struct in the game devkit as possible (while also trying to not bloat the document).

While this document is mostly touching on structs, it will (by default) touch on most of the tables in the game as well, so if you are wondering what a specific struct or table does in the game, odds are you can search for it in this document.

What are structs?[]


All Data-Tables have a basis in a struct(ure) - a struct is a way of telling Unreal how a data-table should be organized.

Structs can also be directly used in blueprints without the use of a data-table; however, most structs are used for data-tables in Conan Exiles.

Internal structs[]

Some structs are not available for edit in the dev-kit - such structs are internal structs, and core to the game and have been disabled from modding.

An example of this is the struct for the Item-Table. Below, where we list all the structs, we note it in the file-location if a struct is an internal struct.

Data Table structs[]

As mentioned before, most structs are used for data-tables ( Recipe table, Feat Table, Monster XP table, Profession Table , etc) and where such tables exist, in the list below, you can find information about where the original data-table for the game lives.

Indirect Structs[]

Some structs are referenced within other structs in order to create more complex tables or functions. These structs we will denote as "Indirect Structs" in the list below. These structs can have tables created from them, but such tables are rarely of any use unless the entire context of the master "meta-struct" is kept.

Blueprint structs[]

Some structs are directly used in blueprints and not data-tables. These structs will be pointed out in the document below as such.

All Structs Referenced[]

Below, all structs in Conan Exiles are referenced. The "Dropdown Structs" are structs that are valid selections when creating a new data-table and selecting from the structs-list. The Additional Structs are structs that exist, but not in the drop-down.

Dropdown structs[]

Gameplay Tag Table Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: No information - probably not used

Combo Preset Table Row[]

File Location: Indirect Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/SpawnTable/ComboPresetsTable.ComboPresetsTable Explained in the “Creating NPCs” guide - this controls what combos humanoid NPCs perform while equipped with certain weapons.

FCTable Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: No information - probably not used

Item Table Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Items/ItemTable.ItemTable This table is the most modded table in all of Conan Exiles - it's the main item table. You should always create a mod-controller when dealing with tables and in no case is this more true than in the case of the ItemTable. There is a primer guide about items called "Primer - ItemTable" in this same .zip file that details this table.

Thrall Table Row[]

File Location: Indirect Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallDataTable This table is used for setting up the different thrall types with their default Behaviours and components. It also determines the diet of each of the different thralls

Energy Event Table Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/EnergyEventTable The player has a component called the EnergyReceiver. This component can host a number of different types of energy (currently, Temperature and Corruption are used). The Energy Event Table control what buffs run on the player when these energy levels go above/below certain levels.

Purge Event Cost[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/AI/NewAI/PurgeEventConfigTable This table determines what types of game events causes players/clan to get points added to their purge pool.

Purge Config Info[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/AI/NewAI/PurgeConfigTable The contents of this table is discussed more in detail in the "Primer -The Purge" file in this .zip-file. In essence, it determines what enemies spawn during different purge waves.

Dye Colour Table Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Items/DyeColoursTable.DyeColoursTable This table determines the colors of the different dye-values that is entered into the ItemTable.

Weapon Material Table Structure[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Sound/Tables/WeaponMaterialTable This table maps the source and target materials of any combat hit and plays the correct sound for it.

Footstep Data Table Structure[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Sound/Tables/FootstepDataTable Determines what aounds to play on what types of ground.

Mesh Option[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: No information - probably not used

Color Option[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: No information - probably not used


File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: No information - probably not used

Loot Table Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Loot/TableSetup/ (most files here) All actual loot-tables (not harvest tables) use this. The Loot Table Weighted Row refers to this list as well, but this table can be used as a stand-alone table as well.

Loot Table Weighted Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Loot/TableSetup/ (most files here) All actual loot-tables (not harvest tables) use this. The Loot Table Weighted Row refers to this list as well, but this table can be used as a stand-alone table as well.

Emote Table Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Characters/Emotes/EmotesDataTable

This table maps all the emotes in the game to skeletons and emote-ID's and icons.

Profession Template Table Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/SpawnTable/ProfessionTemplateDataTable

Credits Info[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: The credits of the game. Ignore this one.

UIModule Table Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/UI/UIModuleTable Determines what UI modules are open under what conditions, links sounds to them and so forth.

Rich Presence Data[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: No information - probably not used

Game Item Stat Modification Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Items/ItemStatModificationTable This table hosts the bonuses given to players from equipped/wielded weapons and armors, such as temperature bonuses, attribute bonuses, etc.

Equipment Gender Variations[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Items/EquipmentVariationTable This table controls what armor pieces are shown when equipped - it also determines what other pieces of the armor/skin are hidden away when equipped.

Recipe Table Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Items/Recipes/RecipesTable One of the three primary data-tables, this table hosts all the recipes for crafting in the game. A more comprehensive guide to this table can be found in the "Primer - Recipes Table" file in this zip-file.

Exiles Journey Table Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Progression/DT_ExilesJourney This table holds all the text displayed to the player in the Journey GUI.

Feat Table Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Items/Feats/FeatTable The third of the primary data-tables - this one contains all the Feats that players can buy. A more comprehensive guide to this table can be found in the "Primer - Feat Table" file in this zip-file.

Gamepad Preset[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/UI/MainMenu/Settings/GamepadPresets Determines the basic functions for the Gamepad Presets, as the name suggests.

Gamepad Key[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: none These are the actual keybindings and is not stored as an internal table, but rather, when the keybindings change, this is saved out as part of the configuration files.

Action Mapping Label[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/UI/MainMenu/Settings/ActionMappingLabels This table shows the on-screen key button helpers (for example: "Press C to swim").

Key Mapping Category[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: None No information on this at this time

Mapping Display Name[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: None No information on this at this time

Background Loading Screen Structure[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/UI/HUD/LoadingScreen/LoadingScreenBackgroundDataTable This table links to all the loading screen images the game cycles through while loading.

Hints Structure[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/UI/HUD/Hints/HintsDataTable Contains all the loading tips at the bottom of the loading screen.

Thrall Tier Entry[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable This is not used at the moment but may be in the future. It contains a mapping of what professions should have what titles.

Map Marker Table Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Map/MapMarkers All the map marker locations of the game is stored in this table.

Energy Data Table Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/EnergyDataTable This table contains information about what Energy-types are available in the game.

Crafting Station Name Table Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Items/Crafting/CraftingStationNameTable This table maps the ID of a station to what name should be displayed at the top of the station while it is opened by a player.

Race Template Table Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/SpawnTable/RaceTemplateDataTable This table determines the visual looks of humanoid NPC's. A more comprehensive guide to this table can be found in the "Creating NPCs" file in this zip-file.

Equipment Template Table Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/SpawnTable/EquipmentTemplateDataTable This table determines what equipment humanoid NPC's should have. A more comprehensive guide to this table can be found in the "Creating NPCs" file in this zip-file.

Spawn Table Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/SpawnTable/SpawnDataTable This table is the primary for creating NPC's. A more comprehensive guide to this table can be found in the "Creating NPCs" file in this zip-file.

Stat Template Table Row[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/SpawnTable/StatTemplateDataTable Secondary Table Location: /Game/Systems/SpawnTable/StatModifierTemplateDataTable These tables affect the stats of NPCs when spawned, such as maximum hitpoints, consciousness and damage multipliers. A more comprehensive guide to this table can be found in the "Creating NPCs" file in this zip-file.

====Weighted Spawn Table Row

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/SpawnTable/WeightedSpawnTableRow This table allows randomization of spawned NPC's when used. A more comprehensive guide to this table can be found in the "Creating NPCs" file in this zip-file.

Resource Loot[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: none Not used anymore

Item Name to Template IDStruct[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Survival/Gathering/Gathering_v2/ItemNameToTemplateID Some functions and references in the Devkit are made much more easy when referencing a human-readable for of items as opposed to the Template ID ("10001, 12404, 14500", etc) - This table contains a mapping of the more readable form and the template ID. When you create a new item, you will need to put it into this table as well.

Resource Loot Structure[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: none Not used anymore

Resource Stat Structure[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Survival/Gathering/Gathering_v2/ResourceStatTable This table maps certain resources to tools. This is the primary table to use when you have a new resource and want it to be available to certain, but not all, harvesting tools.

Resource Struct[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: none Not used anymore

Resource Template[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: Indirect There's no need to talk about this table specifically, since it is always part of resource-distribution/loot.

Resource Limited Loot[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: Indirect There's no need to talk about this table specifically, since it is always part of resource-distribution/loot.

Resource Struct Holder[]

File Location: Internal Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Survival/Gathering/Gathering_v2/ResourceLootTemplates This table is a meta-table that hosts other structs for the purposes of loot-distribution.

Riddle of Steel Struct[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/RiddleOfSteel/RiddleofSteelStruct Primary Table Location: Blueprint Struct Used by the BPGameItemArmor and BPGameItemWeapon in the OnItemDropped event. References the BPGameItem_RiddleOfSteel_Master, in which the struct works to grant different stat bonuses to weapons and armor depending on item flags when an armor/weapon mod is dropped onto the item.

STR Anim Package[]

File Location: /Game/Items/Weapons/STR_AnimPackage Primary Table Location: Blueprint Struct Used by the AB_Human_Male, BaseWeaponInterface, BaseWeapon and BaseBPCombat as a reference to animation sets, etc

STR Combo Step Damage Mod[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Combat/ComboSystem/STR_ComboStepDamageMod Primary Table Location: Blueprint Struct Used by the AB_Human_Male, BaseWeaponInterface, BaseWeapon and BaseBPCombat as a reference to animation sets, etc

STR Attack Data[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Combat/STR_AttackData Primary Table Location: Blueprint Struct Used by the AB_Human_Male, BaseWeaponInterface, BaseWeapon and BaseBPCombat as a reference to animation sets, etc

ST Substate Rule[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/ST_SubstateRule Primary Table Location: Indirect There's no need to talk about this table specifically, since it is always part of the ST Substate Rule Master (see below)

STR Combo Step[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Combat/ComboSystem/STR_ComboStep Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Combat/ComboSystem/DT_ComboRules This table maps different weapon-types to different attacks and animation montages and could be considered the heart of the combat-system.

STR Knockback Execution Data[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Combat/STR_KnockbackExecutionData Primary Table Location: Blueprint Struct This table is used to map knockback directions and velocities for combat.

STR Combo Step Effect[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Combat/ComboSystem/STR_ComboStepEffect Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Combat/ComboSystem/DT_ComboRules Together with the STR Combo Step table, this table determines the singular effects of a single attack anywhere in a combo-chain.

ST Perk Entry[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Perks/ST_PerkEntry Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Perks/PerkDataTable This table contains information about all the perks in the game. Note that implementation for perks are not done in this table, since they are so varied. Rather, this table is a sort of look-up table for perks used in blueprints.

Conan Levelup Sound Struct[]

File Location: /Game/Sound/Voiceover/VO_Dialogue/En/Conan_the_Cimmerian/Conan_Levelup_Sound_Struct Primary Table Location: /Game/Sound/Voiceover/VO_Dialogue/En/Conan_the_Cimmerian/Conan_Levelup_SoundTable Not used. Was supposed to play sounds based on what level you level up to

Story Mission Struct[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Storymission/StoryMission_Struct Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Storymission/StoryMission_Datatable This table is specific to the "Staff of the Triumvirate" and is used to determine what sounds to play.

STR Feats Per Level[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Progression/STR_FeatsPerLevel Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Progression/DT_FeatsPerLevel This table determines how many feats are given to the player at which level.

STR Attribute System[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Progression/STR_AttributeSystem Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Progression/DT_AttributeSystem This table determines the cost of buying attributes at different levels of attributes, making it so that the cost of buying a single attribute point goes up as the attribute increases.

STR Experience System Level[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Progression/STR_ExperienceSystemLevel Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Progression/DT_ExperienceSystemLevel This table holds information about how much XP the game requires from players to level up.

Map Discovery XPStructure[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Progression/MapDiscoveryXPStructure Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Progression/MapDiscoveryXPTable This table grants XP to the player based on how many exploration points have been discovered so far.

STR Combat Action[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Combat/ComboSystem/STR_CombatAction Primary Table Location: Blueprint Struct This is used for all combat entities to determine and use Combat Actions

Exiles Journey XPStruc[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Progression/ExilesJourneyXPStruc Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Progression/DT_ExilesJourneyXPTable Determines the amount of XP you get from journey event IDs

Journey Lookup Armor[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Progression/JourneyLookups/JourneyLookup_Armor Primary Table Location: Blueprint Struct Used in the BP_AC_ExilesJourney blueprint together with the JourneyLookups_EpicArmor, JourneyLookups_NorthernArmor and JourneyLookups_RaiderArmor to grant specific journeysteps.

STR Monster XP[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Progression/STR_MonsterXP Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Progression/DT_MonsterXP Maps XP given to players to monster killed.

Facial Hair Table Entry[]

File Location: /Game/UI/CharacterCreation/DataTables/FacialHairTableEntry Primary Table Location: /Game/UI/CharacterCreation/DataTables/FacialHairStyleTable Used in Character creation – determines what heads are used with which facial hairlines.

Hair Table Entry[]

File Location: /Game/UI/CharacterCreation/DataTables/HairTableEntry Primary Table Location: /Game/UI/CharacterCreation/DataTables/Male_HairStyleSelections Used in Character creation – determines hairlines for heads.

STR Attack Trail Socket[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Combat/AttackTrails/STR_AttackTrailSocket Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Combat/AttackTrails/DT_AttackTrailSocket Sets up sockets based on handedness of weapons.

STR Attack Trail Particle[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Combat/AttackTrails/STR_AttackTrailParticle Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Combat/AttackTrails/DT_AttackTrailParticle This table determines what particles/weapontrails are shown on special attacks like cripple, etc.

STR Combo Rules Key Map[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Combat/ComboSystem/STR_ComboRulesKeyMap Primary Table Location: Indirect Uses the ComboInput Enum and maps it to ComboSteps based on weapon combo types

STR Knockback Threshold[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Combat/STR_KnockbackThreshold Primary Table Location: none Not used anymore

Loot Table Structure[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Survival/Gathering/Gathering_v2/LootTable_Resource Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Survival/Gathering/Gathering_v2/LootTable_Resource This table is used when setting up loot-tables based on something called a "Physical Material". Physical Materials are set up for each monster and humans as well as plants, and resource objects.

STR Weapon Collision[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Combat/STR_WeaponCollision Primary Table Location: Blueprint struct Used by the BaseWeapon blueprint to determine weaponcollision

Warpaint Set[]

File Location: /Game/UI/CharacterCreation/DataTables/WarpaintSet Primary Table Location: /Game/UI/CharacterCreation/DataTables/Female_WarPaintSelections Primary Table Location: /Game/UI/CharacterCreation/DataTables/Male_WarPaintSelections Sets up what textures to be used for specific warpaints for male and female meshes.

Texture Set[]

File Location: /Game/UI/CharacterCreation/DataTables/TextureSet Primary Table Location: See below This is used repeatedly in the CharacterAssemblyLibrary and references many tables, amongst others "Female_EyeBrowSelections" and so forth.

ST Attack Hitbox Data[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Combat/ST_AttackHitboxData Primary Table Location: Blueprint Struct No information at this time

Siege Projectiles[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/Trebuchet/Trebuchet_V2/SiegeProjectiles Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/Trebuchet/Trebuchet_V2/SiegeProjectilesTable Used to set up trebuchet projectiles.

Feat Tree Structure[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Progression/FeatTreeStructure.FeatTreeStructure Primary Table Location: none This is not used anymore and has been replaced by the "Feat Table Row" struct.

ST Substate Rule Master[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/ST_SubstateRuleMaster Primary Table Location: Blueprint Struct Used by ST_SubstateRule in BaseBPChar to determine what movement-state/substates overrule others.

ST Weather Type[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Weather/ST_WeatherType Primary Table Location: None This appears to not be used and may be something to implement later or has been left behind as a legacy-struct.

STR Movement Speed[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Combat/DirectionalMovement/STR_MovementSpeed Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Combat/DirectionalMovement/DT_CharacterMovementSpeed Determines basic movement speeds

Surface to Resource Structure[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Survival/Gathering/SurfaceToResourceStructure Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Survival/Gathering/SurfaceToResourceTable Not used anymore

Voice Option[]

File Location: /Game/UI/CharacterCreation/DataTables/VoiceOption Primary Table Location: /Game/UI/CharacterCreation/DataTables/Female_VoiceSelections Primary Table Location: /Game/UI/CharacterCreation/DataTables/Male_VoiceSelections Used in character creation to determine the voice preset for the player.

Resource Bonus Struct[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Survival/Gathering/Gathering_v2/ResourceBonusStruct Primary Table Location:

Weapon Type Resource Stat Struct[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Survival/Gathering/Gathering_v2/WeaponTypeResourceStatStruct Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Survival/Gathering/Gathering_v2/WeaponTypeResourceStatTable This table uses the ItemNametoTemplateID mapping-struct to map specific tools to specific resources, allowing tools to 'whitelist' certain resources.

Debug Item Struct[]

File Location: /Game/Systems/Debug/DebugItem_Struct.DebugItem_Struct Primary Table Location: none Not used anymore

Additional Structs[]


File Location: /Game/UI/Inventory/Attributes/AttributeInfo Primary Table Location: /Game/UI/Inventory/Attributes/AttributeDisplayData Stores information for the player about the attributes, names, icons, etc


File Location: /Game/Systems/ModeSwitcher/CamSwitchModes_Struct Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/ModeSwitcher/CamSwitchModes_Table Stores information for the camera modes for different movement-types and for weapon handling such as targetlock and bow camera.


File Location: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/SiegeDefense/CauldronAmmoTypes Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/SiegeDefense/CauldronAmmoTable Used for siege cauldron. Contains references to item templates and other information about the ammo stored in the cauldron.


File Location: /Game/UI/CharacterCreation/CharacterData Primary Table Location: Blueprint Struct This struct contains all of the character visual data for character creation


File Location: /Game/Sound/Tables/CombatMusicIntensityStruct Primary Table Location: /Game/Sound/Tables/CombatMusicTable May not be in use. Determines what type of music is played when players fight certain difficulties of monsters.


File Location: /Game/Systems/Combat/Dodge/DodgeAnims Primary Table Location: Blueprint Struct Uses the E_DodgeType enum table entries, and is directly used in the AB_Human_Male BP


File Location: /Game/Environment/Sandstorm/FadeParams Primary Table Location: Blueprint Struct Used to fade in the sandstorm ("BP_Sandstorm_Sky_Fade")


File Location: /Game/UI/CharacterCreation/DataTables/GodDescription Primary Table Location: /Game/UI/CharacterCreation/DataTables/ReligionSelections Contains descriptions and icons for gods.


File Location: /Game/Systems/Hunger/HungerSystemNotificationWarningStruct Primary Table Location: Blueprint Struct Used in the BP_HungerSystem blueprint


File Location: /Game/Items/LoreObjects/LoreInfo Primary Table Location: /Game/Items/LoreObjects/LoreObjectsTable Contains all the text for all the lore actors


File Location: /Game/Characters/NPCs/MonsterStatTableStruct Primary Table Location: /Game/Characters/NPCs/MonsterStatTable This table contains the core stats for monsters, such as turning radius, AI Lods and base hitpoints that are not loaded through the individual monster wildlife blueprints.


File Location: /Game/Systems/Dialogue/NpcDialogue_PurchasePaymentStructure Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Dialogue/NpcDialogues Used in the Dialogue Component and the end-result is used in the /Game/Systems/Dialogue/NpcDialogues


File Location: /Game/Systems/Dialogue/NpcDialogue_PurchaseStructure Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Dialogue/NpcDialogues Used in the Dialogue Component and the end-result is used in the /Game/Systems/Dialogue/NpcDialogues


File Location: /Game/Systems/Dialogue/NPCDialogue_TableStructure Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Dialogue/NpcDialogues Used in the Dialogue Component and the end-result is used in the /Game/Systems/Dialogue/NpcDialogues


File Location: /Game/Systems/Dialogue/NpcDialogue_ThrallPurchase Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Dialogue/NpcDialogues Used in the Dialogue Component and the end-result is used in the /Game/Systems/Dialogue/NpcDialogues


File Location: /Game/Items/Weapons/Orbs/OrbEffectStruc Primary Table Location: /Game/Items/Weapons/Orbs/OrbEffectsTable The table this links to determines the different effects of what happens when you combine orb effects.


File Location: /Game/Systems/Farming/PlanterStruct Primary Table Location: /Game/Systems/Farming/PlanterTable.PlanterTable This table contains all the information required to grow plants in the planters.


File Location: /Game/UI/CharacterCreation/DataTables/RaceDescription Primary Table Location: none Not used. Was supposed to show information about race-choices in character creation.


File Location: /Game/Sound/Tables/ResourceActorSoundDataStruc Primary Table Location: /Game/Sound/Tables/ResourceActorSoundDataTable Determines what sound is played when harvesting resources based on the physical material set up on the resource/monster.

I'm missing a struct![]

If you are missing a struct and believe it's important, please tell Robtheswede on the Conan Exiles modding Discord.
