Conan Exiles Wiki


'Conan stepped out into the nearest square of moonlight, so as to have all the advantage of illumination that he could; for the beast, he knew, could see better than himself in the dark. Instantly the brute saw him; its great yellow tusks gleamed in the shadows, but it made no sound.'
~ The Hour of the Dragon

An oversized, protruding tooth recently ripped from the maw of a beast. Tusks are used in jewelry, tool-making, or simple as a trophy one can carry in their hand.


Created from the following Recipes
Fluid Press
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon baby boar carcass Boar Carcass 5 Icon bone-1 Bone
2 Icon tusks Tusks
5 Icon blood Blood
20 s 1


Used in the following Recipes
Artisan Table, Aquilonian Artisan Table,
Argossean Artisan Table, Khitan Artisan Table, Turanian Artisan Table
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
100 Icon hide-1 Hide
10 Icon tusks Tusks
5 Icon fur Fur
1 Icon Stuffed Boar Taxidermied Boar 30 s 520
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon tusks Tusks 2 Icon crushed dragonbone powder Bonemeal 5 s 1