Conan Exiles Wiki

Reverted Edit due to incomplete information added. Please do not make an edit unless filling in all information for table. Reverted due to loss of HP healing stats for most food. And inconsistent formatting of HP amounts resulting in not being able to sort list by HP healed. --Rangermanlv (talk) 04:53, 28 April 2019 (UTC)

  • Ok I understand now what you were trying to do. And yes it makes sense to me. I believe what I have noticed is that the food items missing a HP gained indication may just be a limitation of the individual pages lacking a "HP Gained" data point. It appears Testerie fixed either the templates for the food items individual pages, or the Food listing pages grabbing of HP gained, or both.
  • My apologies for the revert I had no knowledge of what "Cargo Query" meant. I'm more of a detailed notes guy about what i'm changing so I got a bit confused about what was going on. I tried to talk to someone on Discord wiki chanel about it but I didn't find LOLxd2 or you or anyone in there who I am familiar with so far as long time editors in the Conan wiki at that time when I came in. Although I did see later you had tried to talk to me but I wasn't sure what it was referring to. :) I have ADD so my brain doesn't understand abbreviations and information without context very well, kind of tough in this day and age when people seem to try to abbreviate everything to make communication faster. :) All good though seems like between you and Testerie it's sorted out now. :) --Rangermanlv (talk) 06:20, 29 April 2019 (UTC)