Conan Exiles Wiki


When I found you starving in the Khitan jungles,' he said abruptly, 'exiles from your kingdom, you swore to serve me.
~ The Hour of the Dragon

The politics of the empire of Khitai are mysterious to those who come from the Western kingdoms. Khitan warriors might have allegiance to a clan, a faction, a city-state and, of course, the Emperor himself. They might have allegiance to all of them at the same time.

This armor is made in imitation of the armor worn by the imperial bodyguards of the Emperor. While it is made with lesser materials, it still offers significant protection. There is an art to making the armor ornate enough to awe the peasantry, but not so ornate that it offends the nobility.

The Exiled Lands is a melting pot of races and castes, so it is perhaps unsurprising that such armor exists in such an uncivilized place.

The dingjia translates literally as 'armor with nails', which refers to the studs that hold the leather and iron patches in place. As with any other medium armor, it provides decent protection and decent mobility.

Item Quality Selection

Khitan Armors


Created from the following Recipes
Armorer's Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon chestpiece frame Medium Chest Padding
15 Icon iron bar Iron Bar
10 Icon leather Leather
1 Icon Khitai Medium top Khitan Captain Dingjia 20 s 140


Repairing Khitan Captain Dingjia requires up to:

Exceptional Khitan Captain Dingjia

Flawless Khitan Captain Dingjia

Exceptional Khitan Captain Dingjia (Epic)

Flawless Khitan Captain Dingjia (Epic)
