Conan Exiles Wiki

Pictish Two-Handed Weapons Epic


Usually made of stone and bone tied to rough wood, pictish blunt weapons are used to for capturing captives to include in their ghastly ceremonies.

In one such ceremony, the soul of a human is exchanged with that of a snake, leaving both of the unfortunate creatures trapped in bodies that they cannot understand. It is a horrible way to die, but a typical example of the crushing horror that Picts live with every day.

Mauls and warhammers are slow to swing and leave their user vulnerable to counterattack, but when they connect they are brutally effective. Armored foes are particularly vulnerable to these massive blunt weapons which break bones, shatter skulls and crush spines.


Created from the following Recipes
Blacksmith's Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon handle long Long Handle
20 Icon starmetal bar Star Metal Bar
1 Icon 2h pictish hammer Pictish Warhammer (Epic) 1 min 4166


Repairing Pictish Warhammer (Epic) requires up to:
